TraceConditionalGlobal - Debug

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Member of: Debug Script

Outputs a string to the Papyrus log on disk, and the Papyrus overlay. But only if the global is true.

Syntax[edit | edit source]

Function TraceConditionalGlobal(string TextToPrint, GlobalVariable ShowTrace) global debugOnly

Parameters[edit | edit source]

  • TextToPrint: The text that should be printed to the log and text page.
  • ShowTrace: If true, the trace is printed out, otherwise it is eaten by the function.

Return Value[edit | edit source]


Examples[edit | edit source]

; Output "Hello World" to the log, but only if the DebugGlobal global is true
Debug.TraceConditionalGlobal("Hello, World!", DebugGlobal)

See Also[edit | edit source]