User talk:Rasikko

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Made functions[edit source]

Terminal Function GetNativeTerminal(ObjectReference akSecurityDoor)
    ; Returns the native switch terminal for this security door.
	; Security Door Form IDs for Doors that have a Native Terminal attached.
	Int[] formIDs = new Int[8]
	formIDs[0] = 605866   ; 00093EAA
	formIDs[1] = 605868   ; 00093EAC
	formIDs[2] = 511609   ; 0007CE79
	formIDs[3] = 767114   ; 000BB48A
	formIDs[4] = 605863   ; 00093EA7
	formIDs[5] = 767115   ; 000BB48B
	formIDs[6] = 2015400  ; 001EC0A8
	formIDs[7] = 1565164  ; 0017E1EC
	int index = formIDs.length
	Int doorFormID = akSecurityDoor.GetBaseObject().GetFormID()
	while index
	    index -= 1
		if doorFormID == formIDs[index]
		    Terminal nativeTerminal = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x000DEA37, "Fallout4.ESM") as Terminal
			return nativeTerminal
return none

Self notes[edit source]

The distance displayed by quest markers seems to be the result of division. The player's xyz and the targets xyz are subtracted from each other and the result is divided by 100.

  • Integer division truncates the result. (e.g. 5 / 7 = 0 instead of 0.7)

Calling activate on a container from a holotape's terminal will not process correctly(inventory wont open) unless the entire window is closed out.

  • Additionally a wait of 1 second has to be called before the function otherwise the inventory still will not open.

Intelligence exp bonus. XP final = XP base x (1 + INT x 3 / 100).

Separate perks modifying the same entry are treated separately by the game. For example, two perks that modify kill experience with multipliers of 5, will mean the base xp value is multiplied by 10. It appears that multipliers from different sources are multiplicative instead of additive.

Clutter[edit source]

Seems like clutter can be found under WorldObjects > Statics > SetDressing.

Gatling Laser Ammo calc[edit source]

Though this weapon appears to use certain amount of a fusion core's charge in the consistent range of 1 to 4, to calculate the available amount of ammo provided is based on the current charge amount * 5. So an unused core always provides 500 ammo(100 * 5) and assuming a full 40 charges are used by the weapon, a charge of 60 will provide 300 ammo (60 * 5). There is no native or F4SE way to obtain the charge value of ammo(otherwise known as Health in the CK). GetItemHealthPercent is a theory, but that only works on objectreferences and is not inventory-safe, so no point testing out that theory.

Cell Dimensions[edit source]

Just like Skyrim, cells in Fallout 4 are 4096x4096. A perimeter of 16,384, with an area of 16,777,216. The halfway point is 2048, and a third of the cell is 3072. These are all multiplies of 32, 64, and 128. Each vertex in a cell is 32 units apart. The cells are broken up into 4 quadrants(seen by the blue lines when you toggle borders(B key). --Rasikko (talk) 2018-01-13T01:12:53 (EST)

To Do[edit source]

Contributions, Thank You[edit source]

Thank you for your contributions to the creation kit wiki, again. Scrivener07 (talk) 2017-12-02T13:42:23 (EST)

Thanks for the further contributions over the last few months. Im just dropping by so you know Ive been peer-reviewing all your changes (like everyone else's) this whole time. All changes and notes have been accurate and reasonable. Thanks again for the contributions. Scrivener07 (talk) 2019-05-02T22:16:57 (EDT)

Reference[edit source]

Using this space to work on the creation of the reference window page.

A reference is an instance of a Base Object. References can be either placed in the world via Render Window, or created at runtime by scripts, such as through the use of PlaceAtMe, or through Explosions.

Each base Object can have multiple references(this is the count of references that is displayed in the Object Window.) Changes to the base object will be passed on to their references in-game, including any properties from scripts placed on the base objects that are inherited by the references. The data stored by references are unique, for example, the references' position, angle, etc.

Double-clicking on an object in the Render Window, will bring of its reference window. Different types of references will contain different types of reference data. Different references of the same object can be set differently.

References are treated as ObjectReferences, and can be manipulated by functions provided by the ObjectReference Script. References can also be cast to their subtypes.

Reference Data[edit source]

Common Data[edit source]

  • Reference Editor ID: An optional name to give this reference. This is displayed in the Cell View Window.
  • Base Object: The base object this reference is derived from. This can be changed by clicking "Edit Base".
  • Layer:
  • Encounter Zone: The Encounter Zone this reference is attached to.
  • Materials Used: The number of textures that this reference uses.
  • Inaccessible:
  • Turn Off Fire:
  • Initially Disabled: Set this reference to be disabled on load. Can only be enabled by scripts, enable parent, etc.
  • Hidden From Local Map: This reference wont be displayed on the local map.
  • LOD Respects Enable State:
  • Open By Default: For Door references. Allows for the door to be in the open position by default.
  • Motion Blur:
  • Starts Dead: For Actor references. Starts dead automatically, and can't be resurrected by the Resurrect function.
  • Respawns: Whether this reference should respawn or not.
  • Starts Unconscious:
  • Ground Piece:
  • Reflected By Auto Water:
  • Ignored By Sandbox:
  • Is Full LOD:
  • Don't Havok Settle:
  • Minimal Use Door:

Reference Data Tabs[edit source]

3D Data[edit source]

The X, Y, Z position and rotation of the reference. The scale of this reference can also be adjusted. The scale of the Base Object remains unchanged.

  • Test Radius: Entering a value will cause a transparent sphere to appear around the object, which represent of the radius. Set to 0 to reset it.