OnAnimationEvent - ScriptObject
Revision as of 19:53, 6 June 2016 by imported>Docclox (→Examples: The registered animation was inconsistent with asEventName in the OnAnimationEvent example)
Member of: ScriptObject
Event called when the active magic effect/alias/form receives one of the animation events it was listening for.
This event will only be sent to the specific script that registered for it. Other scripts attached to the same form/alias/active magic effect will not receive the event unless they also register.
Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName)
- akSource: The ObjectReference that sent the event.
- asEventName: The event that was received.
Function SomeFunction()
RegisterForAnimationEvent(JoeBob, "Reset") ; Before we can use OnAnimationEvent we must register.
Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName)
if (akSource == self) && (asEventName == "Reset")
Debug.Trace("We got the reset animation graph event from ourselves that we were looking for!")
- Aliases and quests will automatically unregister for this event when the quest stops. Active magic effects will automatically unregister when they are removed.