Game Script
Collection of game-specific global functions.
ScriptName Game Native Hidden
F4SE StructsEdit
- Struct PluginInfo
- A structure that holds information about a plugin.
Global FunctionsEdit
- Function AddAchievement(int aiAchievementID)
- Adds the specified achievement/trophy to the player's gamer profile.
- Function AddPerkPoints(int aiPerkPoints)
- Adds the given number of perk points to the player. Clamped at 255.
- Function AdvanceSkill(string asSkillName, float afMagnitude)
- Advance the given skill on the player by the provided amount of skill usage
- Function ClearPrison()
- Clears all Prison variables on the PlayerCharacter so the game will know he is out of prison.
- Function ClearTempEffects()
- Clears all temp effects (such as terrain effects) in the game.
- Function EnablePipboyHDRMask(bool abEnable)
- Enables/disables the HDR mask for the pipboy screen.
- Function Error(string asMessage)
- Emits an error and stack trace to the papyrus log and the game warning system (not removed by compiler in release builds)
- Function FadeOutGame(bool abFadingOut, bool abBlackFade, float afSecsBeforeFade, float afFadeDuration, bool abStayFaded)
- Fades the game in and out with the specified parameters.
- Function FastTravel(ObjectReference akDestination)
- Fast-travels the player to the specified object's location.
- Actor Function FindClosestActor(float afX, float afY, float afZ, float afRadius)
- Finds the closest actor within a given radius of a location
- Actor Function FindClosestActorFromRef(ObjectReference arCenter, float afRadius)
- Finds the closest actor within a given radius of a reference
- ObjectReference Function FindClosestReferenceOfAnyTypeInList(FormList arBaseObjects, float afX, float afY, float afZ, float afRadius)
- Finds the closest reference of any of the base objects in the list within a given radius of a location
- ObjectReference Function FindClosestReferenceOfAnyTypeInListFromRef(FormList arBaseObjects, ObjectReference arCenter, float afRadius)
- Finds the closest reference of any of the base objects in the list within a given radius of a reference
- ObjectReference Function FindClosestReferenceOfType(Form arBaseObject, float afX, float afY, float afZ, float afRadius)
- Finds the closest reference of a given base object within a given radius of a location
- ObjectReference Function FindClosestReferenceOfTypeFromRef(Form arBaseObject, ObjectReference arCenter, float afRadius)
- Finds the closest reference of a given base object within a given radius of a reference
- Actor Function FindRandomActor(float afX, float afY, float afZ, float afRadius)
- Finds a random actor within a given radius of a location
- Actor Function FindRandomActorFromRef(ObjectReference arCenter, float afRadius)
- Finds a random actor within a given radius of a reference
- ObjectReference Function FindRandomReferenceOfAnyTypeInList(FormList arBaseObjects, float afX, float afY, float afZ, float afRadius)
- Finds a random reference of any of the base objects in the list within a given radius of a location
- ObjectReference Function FindRandomReferenceOfAnyTypeInListFromRef(FormList arBaseObjects, ObjectReference arCenter, float afRadius)
- Finds a random reference of any of the base objects in the list within a given radius of a reference
- ObjectReference Function FindRandomReferenceOfType(Form arBaseObject, float afX, float afY, float afZ, float afRadius)
- Finds a random reference of a given base object within a given radius of a location
- ObjectReference Function FindRandomReferenceOfTypeFromRef(Form arBaseObject, ObjectReference arCenter, float afRadius)
- Finds a random reference of a given base object within a given radius of a reference
- Function ForceDisableSSRGodraysDirLight(bool abDisableSSR, bool abDisableGodrays, bool abDisableDirLight)
- Selectively disable certain rendering effects.
- Function ForceFirstPerson()
- Forces the player camera into 1st-person.
- Function ForceThirdPerson()
- Forces the player camera into 3rd-person.
- ActorValue Function GetAggressionAV()
- Get the Aggression Actor Value
- ActorValue Function GetAgilityAV()
- Get the Agility Actor Value
- MiscObject Function GetCaps()
- Get the base Caps001 object, the basic unit of money in the game.
- ActorValue Function GetCharismaAV()
- Get the Charisma Actor Value
- ActorValue Function GetConfidenceAV()
- Get the Confidence Actor Value
- int Function GetDifficulty()
- Returns the game's current difficulty setting.
- ActorValue Function GetEnduranceAV()
- Get the Endurance Actor Value
- Form Function GetForm(int aiFormID)
- Obtains a Form from the game by its form ID number.
- Form Function GetFormFromFile(int aiFormID, string asFilename)
- Obtains a Form from the game by its form ID number and expected file.
- float Function GetGameSettingFloat(string asGameSetting)
- Obtains the value of a float game setting.
- float Function GetGameSettingInt(string asGameSetting)
- Obtains the value of an int game setting.
- float Function GetGameSettingString(string asGameSetting)
- Obtains the value of a string game setting.
- ActorValue Function GetHealthAV()
- Get the Health Actor Value
- ActorValue Function GetIntelligenceAV()
- Get the Intelligence Actor Value
- ActorValue Function GetLuckAV()
- Get the Luck Actor Value
- ActorValue Function GetPerceptionAV()
- Get the Perception Actor Value
- Actor Function GetPlayer()
- Obtains the Actor that represents the player.
- Actor[] Function GetPlayerFollowers()
- Returns an array of the player's followers.
- ObjectReference Function GetPlayerGrabbedRef()
- Obtains the ObjectReference the player is currently grabbing.
- float Function GetPlayerRadioFrequency()
- Returns the frequency the player's radio is currently set at.
- Actor Function GetPlayersLastRiddenHorse()
- Gets the player's last ridden horse, if any.
- int Function GetPlayerLevel()
- Returns the player's current level
- float Function GetRealHoursPassed()
- Returns the number of real-life hours that have passed playing the game.
- ActorValue Function GetSuspiciousAV()
- Get the Suspicious Actor Value
- ActorValue Function GetStrengthAV()
- Get the Strength Actor Value
- int Function GetXPForLevel(int auiLevel)
- Obtains the total amount of XP necessary to obtain the passed-in level
- Function GivePlayerCaps(int nCaps)
- Gives the player X caps
- Function HideTitleSequenceMenu()
- Hides the title sequence menu.
- Function IncrementSkill(ActorValue akActorValue, int aiCount)
- Advances the provided Skill by the given number of points (for the player only).
- Function IncrementStat(string asStatName, int aiModAmount)
- Modifies the specified MiscStat by the given amount
- Function InitializeMarkerDistances()
- Called to tell the Compass displays to refresh after gamesettings are updated related to hardcore mode
- bool Function IsActivateControlsEnabled()
- Are the activation controls enabled?
- bool Function IsCamSwitchControlsEnabled()
- Are the camera switch controls enabled?
- bool Function IsFastTravelControlsEnabled()
- Are fast travel controls enabled?
- bool Function IsFastTravelEnabled()
- Is fast travel enabled?
- bool Function IsFavoritesControlsEnabled()
- Is the favorites controls enabled?
- bool Function IsFightingControlsEnabled()
- Are the fighting controls enabled?
- bool Function IsJournalControlsEnabled()
- Are the journal menu controls enabled?
- bool Function IsJumpingControlsEnabled()
- Are the jumping controls enabled?
- bool Function IsLookingControlsEnabled()
- Are the looking controls enabled?
- bool Function IsMenuControlsEnabled()
- Are the menu controls enabled?
- bool Function IsMovementControlsEnabled()
- Are the movement controls enabled?
- bool Function IsPluginInstalled(string asName)
- Checks to see if the specified plugin is installed and activated
- bool Function IsPlayerInRadioRange(float afFrequency)
- Returns whether the player is within the outer radius of a transmitter using the given frequency.
- bool Function IsPlayerListening(float afFrequency)
- Returns whether the player actively listening to a transmitter that uses the given frequency.
- bool Function IsPlayerRadioOn()
- Is the player's radio currently turned on?
- bool Function IsSneakingControlsEnabled()
- Are the sneaking controls enabled?
- bool Function IsVATSControlsEnabled()
- Are the VATS controls enabled?
- bool Function IsVATSPlaybackActive()
- Is VATS playback currently running?
- Function PassTime(int aiHours)
- Pass the given number of hours as if the player waited.
- Function PlayBink(string asFileName, bool abInterruptible, bool abMuteAudio, bool abMuteMusic, bool abLetterbox, bool abIsNewGameBink)
- Plays a bink video
- Function PlayEventCamera(CameraShot akCamera, ObjectReference akRef)
- Plays an event camera attached to the given reference
- Function PrecacheCharGen()
- Precaches all the data used by character gen to avoid hitches with file I/O.
- Function PrecacheCharGenClear()
- Clears all the previously cached data used by character gen.
- int Function QueryStat(string asStat)
- Queries the given stat and returns its value.
- Function QuitToMainMenu()
- Forces the game back to the main menu.
- Function RemovePlayerCaps(int nCaps)
- Removes X caps from the player.
- Function RequestAutoSave()
- Requests for an auto-save to be made.
- Function RequestModel(string asModelName)
- Requests the specified model.
- Function RequestSave()
- Requests for a normal save to be made.
- Function RewardPlayerXP(int auiXPAmount, bool abDirect)
- Rewards the player with a certain amount of XP, optionally ignoring any XP gain modifiers.
- Function ServeTime()
- Has the player serve their jail time.
- Function SetCameraTarget(Actor arTarget)
- Sets the camera target actor
- Function SetCharGenHUDMode(int aiCGHUDMode)
- Sets or clears CharGen-specific HUD modes.
- Function SetInChargen(bool abDisableSaving, bool abDisableWaiting, bool abShowControlsDisabledMessage)
- Enable/disable various functionality which we want in chargen.
- Function SetInsideMemoryHUDMode(bool aInsideMemory)
- Sets or clears InsideMemory HUD Mode
- Function SetPlayerAIDriven(bool abAIDriven)
- Enables or disables the AI driven flag on the player.
- Function SetPlayerOnElevator|(bool abOnElevator)
- Sets/clears the player as on an elevator
- Function SetPlayerRadioFrequency(float afFrequency)
- Sets the frequency the player's radio should be turned to
- Function SetPlayerReportCrime(bool abReportCrime)
- Set the state of the player as an actor who commits crimes
- Function SetSittingRotation(float afValue)
- Set the player's sitting camera offset rotation.
- Function ShakeCamera(ObjectReference akSource, float afStrength, float afDuration)
- Shakes the camera from the specified location with the specified strength.
- Function ShakeController(float afLeftStrength, float afRightStrength, float afDuration)
- Shakes the controller for the specified amount of time.
- Function ShowAllMapMarkers()
- Shows all map markers on the world map.
- Function ShowFatigueWarningOnHUD()
- Causes the Fatigue Warning to show on the HUD
- Function ShowFirstPersonGeometry(bool abShow)
- Shows or hides the first-person geometry
- Function ShowPerkVaultBoyOnHUD(string aVaultBoySwf, Sound aSoundDescriptor = None)
- Plays the specified Perk VaultBoy Swf and sound on the HUD.
- Function ShowPipboyBootSequence(string asAnimationName)
- Shows the specified pipboy boot sequence
- Function ShowPipboyPlugin()
- Shows the pipboy plugin animation on the pipboy
- Function ShowRaceMenu(ObjectReference akMenuTarget, int uiMode, ObjectReference akMenuSpouseFemale, ObjectReference akMenuSpouseMale, ObjectReference akVendor)
- Shows the race/sex change menu.
- Function ShowSPECIALMenu()
- Shows the SPECIAL change menu.
- Function ShowTitleSequenceMenu()
- Shows the title sequence menu.
- Function ShowTrainingMenu(Actor aActor)
- Shows the training menu provided by actor parameter.
- Function StartDialogueCameraOrCenterOnTarget(ObjectReference akCameraTarget)
- Start dialogue cameras or swing first person camera to the target
- Function StartTitleSequence(string asSequenceName)
- Plays the specified sequence in the title menu.
- Function StopDialogueCamera(bool abConsiderResume, bool abSwitchingTo1stP)
- Stops all dialogue cameras
- Function TriggerScreenBlood(int aiValue)
- Trigger on-screen blood splatter.
- Function TurnPlayerRadioOn(bool abRadioOn)
- Turns the player's radio on and off.
- bool Function UsingGamepad()
- Returns whether the player is using a gamepad or not.
- Function Warning(string asMessage)
- Emits a warning to the papyrus log and the game warning system.
F4SE Global FunctionsEdit
- Int Function GetCameraState()
- Returns the current player camera state.
- ObjectReference Function GetCurrentConsoleRef()
- Returns the current console reference.
- PluginInfo[] Function GetInstalledPlugins()
- Returns an array of currently installed esm and esp files.
- PluginInfo[] Function GetInstalledLightPlugins()
- Returns an array of currently installed esl files.
- string[] Function GetPluginDependencies(string asPluginName)
- Returns an array of plugin dependencies for the specified plugin.
- Function SetGameSettingBool(string asSetting, bool abValue)
- Set the value of a boolean GameSetting.
- Function SetGameSettingFloat(string asSetting, float afValue)
- Set the value of a float GameSetting.
- Function SetGameSettingInt(string asSetting, int aiValue)
- Set the value of an int GameSetting.
- Function SetGameSettingString(string asSetting, string asString)
- Set the value of a string GameSetting.
Member FunctionsEdit
F4SE Member FunctionsEdit