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Revision as of 17:14, 13 October 2023 by Oddlittleturtle (talk | contribs) (Filled in the blanks. It is more complete now than it was. Stills needs calculations data.)
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Type: LVLN
Papyrus: None

A Leveled Character is a LeveledItem List that will generate an NPC based on the current level of the player. They act as templates for another NPC and should not be placed in the world. The template NPC can be placed in the world and will use the data from the list to define itself. You will see a generic marker in the Editor when placing the reference since the Creation Kit has no way of knowing what model to place. This reference can have data on it as well.

Editor Dialog[edit | edit source]

The LeveledCharacter object is found within the Object Window under the Actor Category.

LeveledCharacter Editor.png

  • ID: The ID, also referred to as Editor ID, is used by the Creation Kit to uniquely identify this record within a Data File.
  • Chance None: The chances of the leveled list returning no results. If Use Global is filled, the value will be the Global variable's value.
  • Use Global: Allows a Global variable to be used.
  • Calculate from all levels <= PC's Level: If checked, the level list will use any actor at or below the player's level in the list. If not checked, it uses the closest actor or actors to the player's level, but not exceeding it.
  • Calculate for each item in count:
  • Calculate All(still picks just one):
  • List: Right click => New to add a new entry to the list. Entries will arrange themselves by Level.
    • Level: Populated by the Level field under Object.
    • Count: Populated by the Count field under Object.
    • Form Editor ID: The Editor ID of an NPC used as a template. Select the NPC from the dropdown under Object.
    • Chances: Double-click to further refine the chances. The higher the value the more of a chance of none.
    • Owner: Not used.
  • Object
    • Dropdown: Select the NPC you wish to add to the list. Use Filter to filter for your mod's prefix to save time.
    • Level: The Player's ActorBase level when the Object is supposed to spawn
    • Owner: Not used
    • Faction: Not used
  • Filter Keywords Chances: Uses the Keywords defined on the Object Template to determine what armor or gear to spawn on the NPC. Mainly used for robots, such as determining whether or not a Mr Gutsy will spawn with a particular weapon or have an eye or limb missing to vary the look of the spawned NPC when spawning with others like it.
  • Preview Calculated Result: Generates an example list of actors to give look at what might spawn.
  • Preview Level: A value representing the assumed level of the Player for the Preview Calculated Result button.
  • Preview Count: A value of how many times the list should roll for the Preview Calculated Result button.

See Also[edit | edit source]