OnHolotapePlay - ObjectReference

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Member of: ObjectReference Script

Event sent to a holotape when it is played via Pipboy or Terminal.

Syntax[edit | edit source]

Event OnHolotapePlay(ObjectReference akTerminalRef)

Parameters[edit | edit source]

  • aTerminalRef: If run from a terminal, the terminal reference. If None, then it's being run from the pipboy.

Examples[edit | edit source]

; Event is sent to the player
Event OnHolotapePlay(ObjectReference akTerminalRef)
  Debug.Trace(self + " was just played on terminal " + akTerminalRef)

Notes[edit | edit source]

Scripts extending ObjectReference attached to a Holotape will not receive this event if the holotape was played from a pipboy. There has been no feedback from the developers on using this event with a pipboy or if it was intended to work with one at all.

See Also[edit | edit source]