Encounter Zones
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The Encounter Zone type is used in many of the game's world locations.
Fallout4.esm[edit | edit source]
Note that the first two digits of the FormID may differ if your load order is different for some reason. The FormIDs here reflect ESMs loaded in order of commercial launch.
EditorID | FormID | EditorID | FormID | EditorID | FormID | EditorID | FormID |
35CourtZone | 001B3496 | EastBostonPrepZone | 00042B34 | LakeQuannapowittZone | 0004D47E | RockyNarrowsZone | 000D9896 |
AbernathyFarmZone | 0022CD48 | EasyCityDownsZone | 0005885D | LaytonTowersZone | 00162481 | RottenLandfillZone | 001CB272 |
AndersOverpassZone | 00024F8B | EgretToursMarinaZone | 00021A8A | LexingtonApartmentZone | 00248D88 | RuinedSkyscraperZone | 002259DD |
AndrewStationZone | 00074D2D | EsplanadeChurchZone | 001A9738 | LexingtonGarageZone | 00248D8A | SalemWitchMuseumZone | 00094198 |
ArcjetSystemsZone | 000807EB | EsplanadeMansionZone | 001A9739 | LexingtonLaundromatZone | 00248D8B | SanctuaryHillsZone | 0022CD52 |
AtomatoysCorporateHQZone | 000252EB | FairlineHillEstatesZone | 0008BDAF | LexingtonPharmacyZone | 00248D89 | SandyCovesConvalescentHomeZone | 00026D96 |
AtomatoysFactoryZone | 000254B9 | FallonsDepartmentStoreZone | 0003D7E5 | LexingtonZone | 00024FB5 | SaugusIronworksZone | 00042194 |
AtomCatsGarageZone | 0004852C | FaneuilHallZone | 0005885E | LibertaliaZone | 001680C5 | ScrapPalaceZone | 0004C8D4 |
BackStreetApparelZone | 0004E4D8 | Farm05Zone | 0022CD4D | ListeningPostBravoZone | 000DCC3E | SentinelSiteZone | 0014DB54 |
BADTFLZone | 000317EB | FederalRationStockpileZone | 00036011 | LongneckLukowskisZone | 0003B6F4 | ShamrockTaphouseZone | 000453D0 |
BarneysBunkerZone | 0003FA54 | FederalSurvCenterZone | 000489C5 | LynnWoodsZone | 00059F1C | ShawHighSchoolZone | 0003C0FD |
BeaconHillApartmentsZone | 001ED783 | FensBankZone | 001BA3F1 | MahkraFishpackingZone | 00053D9C | ShenleysOysterBarZone | 0018127E |
BeaconHillBostonBugleZone | 001ED786 | FensEvansWayZone | 001B4BDA | MaldenCenterZone | 00038DDA | SkylanesFlightZone | 00051867 |
BeaconHillPubZone | 001ED787 | FensKenmoreStationZone | 001BDDF3 | MaldenDrainageZone | 00056CBD | SlocumsJoeHQZone | 001CCF68 |
BeantownBreweryZone | 0003A509 | FensParkviewApartmentsZone | 001B8C55 | MassContainmentShedZone | 0022FC5E | SouthBostonCheckpointZone | 000849E0 |
BedfordStationZone | 00024F8E | FensParkviewLoungeZone | 00225B4F | MassFusionCoolantDisposalZone | 001680C7 | SouthBostonChurch | 002263B6 |
BigJohnsSalvageZone | 0022FC5C | FensRaiderCampZone | 001B8C54 | MassFusionZone | 00084A6F | SouthBostonFactoryZone | 002263B5 |
BillysHouseZone | 001241B7 | FensStreetSewerZone | 0004280F | MassGravelAndSandZone | 00058BF0 | SouthBostonHighSchoolZone | 00225DD6 |
BobbisNewPlaceZone | 00228145 | FiddlersGreenZone | 00211742 | MassPikeInterchangeZone | 0005A130 | SouthBostonPDZone | 001D8E0D |
BoSBattleSiteZone | 000BB43C | FinchFarmZone | 0002648B | MassPikeTunnelZone | 0007D931 | SpectacleIslandZone | 0001FA57 |
BostonAirportRuinsZone | 00046872 | ForestGroveMarshZone | 00021A89 | MassStateHouseZone | 001B1580 | StarlightDriveInZone | 00024F97 |
BostonAirportZone | 00084AB1 | FortHagenInteriorZone | 00148C5F | MeanPastriesZone | 001ACCE3 | SuffolkCountyCharterSchoolZone | 0002A4BA |
BostonCommonZone | 00047072 | FortHagenSatelliteArrayZone | 0005BA29 | MedfordMemorialZone | 0004AE48 | SunshineTidingsCoopZone | 00024FBA |
BostonMayoralShelterZone | 00048DE7 | FortHagenWorkshopZone | 0022CD51 | MedTekResearchZone | 00042B43 | SuperDuperMartZone | 00032191 |
BostonPoliceRationingSiteZone | 00043DD5 | FortHagenZone | 000BAACB | MiltonGeneralZone | 00034314 | SwansPondZone | 0003B16E |
BostonPublicLibraryZone | 00090849 | FortStrongZone | 00039D90 | MysticPinesZone | 0004E012 | SwitchboardZone | 000B4780 |
BoylstonClubZone | 001AD740 | FourLeafFishpackingZone | 00042810 | NahantChapelZone | 000E8CC2 | TaffingtonBoatHouseZone | 00056CBC |
BreakheartBanksZone | 0002B9D8 | FraternalPost115Zone | 00042B41 | NahantOceanSocietyZone | 000461A9 | TenPinesBluffZone | 0022CD4E |
BrokenMonorailZone | 00249D51 | GeneralAtomicsFactoryZone | 000428E3 | NatickBanksZone | 0008BDB1 | Theater_Hub360Zone | 0019D3EE |
BunkerHillZone | 0020C2B6 | GeneralAtomicsGalleriaZone | 00039D8D | NationalGuardTrainingYardZone | 00053476 | Theater_MassBayMedicalCenterZone | 0019D3EF |
CabotHouseZone | 0003A50D | GibsonPointPierZone | 000D9490 | NeponsetParkZone | 00032B3F | Theater_PearwoodResidencesZone | 0019D3EC |
CambridgeCraterZone | 001680C2 | GlowingSeaCraterZone | 0023B46B | NHMFreightDepotZone | 00072216 | Theater_TickerTapeLoungeZone | 0019D3ED |
CambridgeDinerZone | 0019D3F5 | GNNZone | 000291CF | NordhagenBeachZone | 0022CD4B | TheBigDigZone | 0004E449 |
CambridgePDZone | 0001FA50 | GoodneighborZone | 00178D9B | NoResetZone | 00190B28 | TheCastleZone | 00066EC0 |
CambridgePlumbingZone | 0024070E | GorskiCabinZone | 00024FB6 | NorthEndBoxingGymZone | 001AD91F | TheSlogZone | 0022CD4F |
CambridgePolymerLabsZone | 0002555F | GraygardenHomesteadZone | 00247F54 | NorthEndSalemStreetCottageZone | 001AD997 | ThicketExcavationsZone | 00024FBB |
Cambridge_CampKendallZone | 00227B12 | GraygardenZone | 000482D0 | NorthEndValentiStationZone | 001AD920 | TiconderogaStationZone | 0002BB01 |
Cambridge_CITRotundaZone | 002263B8 | GreaterMassBloodClinicZone | 0004F501 | NoZoneZone | 0000001E | TrinityPlazaZone | 000E7F54 |
Cambridge_CollegeAdminBuildingZone | 0019D3F3 | GreatLinks18Zone | 00056108 | OberlandStationZone | 0022CD4C | TrinityTowerZone | 000F44A3 |
Cambridge_ConstructionSiteZone | 00249D53 | GreenetechGeneticsInteriorZone | 00164FE1 | OldCornerBookstoreZone | 001B166E | UniversityPointZone | 000217A0 |
Cambridge_EastCITRaiderCampZone | 0019D3F7 | GreenetechGeneticsZone | 0007D6B9 | OldGulletSinkholeZone | 0003A899 | USAFSatelliteZone | 00064EDF |
Cambridge_GraveyardZone | 0019D3F1 | GreentopNurseryZone | 0022CD4A | OldNorthChurchZone | 00066EFE | USSConstitutionZone | 00224D28 |
Cambridge_KendallHospitalZone | 0019D3F9 | GwinnettBreweryZone | 0004C7F8 | ParsonsStateZone | 0003FA44 | USSRiptideZone | 0002FF7A |
Cambridge_MassChemicalZone | 0019D3FD | HalluciGenZone | 000342E8 | PickmanGalleryZone | 00042B45 | Vault111Zone | 0009F372 |
Cambridge_MonsignorPlazaZone | 0019D3FB | HardwareTownZone | 000E532F | POIBryanB01_WorkshopZone | 00178E7B | Vault114Zone | 001FB9F9 |
Cambridge_ScienceCenterGiftShopZone | 0019D3FF | HaymarketMallZone | 001B3F3A | POICoastalCottage_WorkshopZone | 00176930 | Vault75Zone | 000D86D7 |
CharlesViewAmphitheaterZone | 000C518E | HestersConsumerRoboticsZone | 00024FB4 | POIJoel06zone | 0016FCE1 | Vault81Zone | 00052277 |
ChestnutHillockReservoirZone | 00050C0B | HoardersApartmentZone | 001ACCE8 | PoseidonEnergyTurbineZone | 000456B7 | Vault95Zone | 0005FF5F |
CoastGuardPierZone | 00021A8C | HubCityAutoWreckersZone | 0004D136 | PoseidonEnergyZone | 0004B2C3 | VaultTecOfficeZone | 001CB258 |
CollegeSquareZone | 000233C4 | HubrisComicsZone | 00045611 | PoseidonReservoirZone | 00053D9A | VirgilsLabZone | 00167EA3 |
CombatZoneZone | 0001905C | HydeParkZone | 001F1A7A | PrewarVault111Zone | 000CA854 | VitalePumphouseZone | 0021C941 |
CommonwealthBankZone | 002488C5 | InstituteAdvSystemsZone | 001BC412 | PrydwenQuartersZone | 0021640D | WaldenPondZone | 00024FBC |
ConcordMuseumZone | 00017E01 | InstituteBioScienceZone | 001BC413 | PrydwenZone | 00162483 | WarehouseTrapsZone | 002196DD |
ConcordUndergroundZone | 00024FB2 | InstituteCaveZone | 001BC419 | QuincyPDZone | 000199EF | WarrenTheaterZone | 0016A5F3 |
ConcordZone | 0001AC0A | InstituteConcourseZone | 0006A37E | QuincyQuarryZone | 000ECA90 | WarwickHomesteadZone | 0022CD50 |
CorvegaAssemblyPlantZone | 00024F94 | InstituteFEVLabZone | 001BC41B | QuincyRuinsZone | 0005A5DE | WaterfrontHotelZone | 00218105 |
CountyCrossingZone | 0022CD49 | InstituteOldRoboticsZone | 0002D70F | RailroadHQZone | 0023A408 | WaterfrontWarehouseZone | 002263B3 |
CovenantZone | 001DE592 | InstituteReactorZone | 001BC417 | RangerCabinZone | 00024FB7 | WaterStreetApartmentsZone | 001B17DF |
CraterHouseZone | 0009BD05 | InstituteRoboticsZone | 001BC414 | ReconBunkerThetaZone | 000BB43D | WattzZone | 0006E8A0 |
CroupManorZone | 0003C0FF | InstituteSRBZone | 001BC415 | RedRocketCaveZone | 0005FAA7 | WeatherbyInvestmentTrustZone | 002488C4 |
CrowsCragParkZone | 00024FB1 | InstituteStorageZone | 001BC41D | RedRocketTruckStopZone | 00024FB8 | WestEverettEstatesZone | 0004A4D6 |
CustomHouseZone | 00225BAE | InstituteTunnelZone | 00154FB6 | ReebMarinaZone | 000527C3 | WestingEstateZone | 001CB273 |
CutlerBendZone | 00021A8B | IrishPrideShipyardZone | 00047996 | RelayTower05Zone | 001D2082 | WestonWaterTreatmentZone | 000482CC |
DarkHollowPondZone | 001680BE | IvansZone | 000A6B1E | RelayTowerZimonjaZone | 00055403 | WestRoxburyStationZone | 0005A119 |
DartmouthProfessionalZone | 00225BB0 | JalbertBrothersZone | 000517DB | RevereBeachStationZone | 00062508 | WickedShippingFleetLockupZone | 00024FBD |
DBTechHighSchoolZone | 0003AC8B | JamaicaPlainZone | 00050C09 | RevereSatelliteArrayZone | 0022FC5D | WildwoodCemeteryZone | 0003757C |
DmndKelloggHouseNoReset | 002496C8 | JoesSpuckiesZone | 001B348D | RoadsidePinesMotelZone | 000291CB | WreckOfTheFMSNorthernStarZone | 000585B8 |
DmndPlayerHouseNoReset | 001E7477 | KingsportLighthouseZone | 0005A5E3 | RoboticsDisposalGroundZone | 00024FB9 | WRVRBroadcastCenterZone | 0002BE9D |
DunwichBorersZone | 00049B79 | LakeCochituateZone | 0003F2C6 | RoboticsPioneerParkZone | 000B1CE8 | YangtzeZone | 0002B7C6 |
DLCRobot.esm (Automatron)[edit | edit source]
DLC01CaravanZone [ECZN:0100FFFB]
DLC01GeneralAtomicsFactoryZone [ECZN:01011363]
DLC01LairRobcoStoreZone [ECZN:0101089E]
DLC01LairZone [ECZN:010008A5]
DLCworkshop01.esm (Wasteland Workshop)[edit | edit source]
DLC02PlayerLevelZone [ECZN:02000BE2]
DLCCoast.esm (Far Harbor)[edit | edit source]
EditorID | FormID | EditorID | FormID | EditorID | FormID |
DLC02HaddockCoveZone | 030316B8 | DLC03FringeCoveDocksZone | 03011A84 | DLC03NucleusExteriorZone | 0303FA4C |
DLC03AcadiaZone | 0305D3FE | DLC03HarborGrandHotelZone | 030217D5 | DLC03NucleusInteriorZone | 0303FA4B |
DLC03AlderseaDaySpaZone | 03016668 | DLC03HorizonFlight1207Zone | 0300F048 | DLC03NucleusMemoryBanksZone | 030279C1 |
DLC03AtomShrineZone | 03057082 | DLC03KitteredgePassZone | 030258E2 | DLC03NucleusSubInteriorZone | 03056A4F |
DLC03AtomsShrineZoneDELETEME | 03057081 | DLC03LastPlankZone | 03048C1B | DLC03PineCrestCavernZone | 030258E1 |
DLC03BarHarbourMuseumZone | 0301F9F4 | DLC03LongfellowsCabinZone | 0302074B | DLC03POI45Zone | 030567BD |
DLC03BeaverCreekLanesZone | 0300F045 | DLC03MQ04HighRewardZone | 0304FF6F | DLC03RayburnPointZone | 03053FD6 |
DLC03BrookesHeadLighthouseZone | 0300ED4C | DLC03MQ04LowRewardZone | 0304FD27 | DLC03RockPointCampZone | 0305422D |
DLC03CliffsEdgeHotelZone | 0300F046 | DLC03MQ04MediumRewardZone | 0304F9C9 | DLC03SouthwestHarborZone | 030399C9 |
DLC03DaltonFarmZone | 03038EAF | DLC03MSAzaleaZone | 0302074D | DLC03Vault118Zone | 03038AE7 |
DLC03EaglesCoveTanneryZone | 030140DF | DLC03NakanoResidenceZone | 0304FA08 | DLC03VimPopFactoryZone | 0300F049 |
DLC03EchoLakeLumberZone | 0300F047 | DLC03NationalParkCampgroundZone | 030247BD | DLC03WindFarmBuildingZone | 0302F408 |
DLC03EdenMeadowsCinemasZone | 03004C7B | DLC03NationalParkVisitorsCenterZone | 0302074C | DLC03_ZephyrRidgeZone | 03054231 |
DLC03FarHarborZone | 030481D1 | DLC03NorthwoodRidgeQuarryZone | 0302074E |
DLCworkshop03.esm (Contraptions + Vault-Tec Workshop)[edit | edit source]
Vault88Zone [ECZN:04003DE0]
DLCNukaWorld.esm[edit | edit source]
EditorID | FormID | EditorID | FormID | EditorID | FormID |
DLC04BottlingPlantZone | 0501763F | DLC04GalacticZone_VaultTecAmongTheStarsZone | 05010C9E | DLC04NukaWorldPowerPlantZone | 0501FC82 |
DLC04BradbertonAmphitheaterZone | 05055A36 | DLC04GauntletZone | 0500BD05 | DLC04NukaWorldWorkshopZone | 05056DC2 |
DLC04BradbertonOverpassZone | 050503B4 | DLC04GrandchesterMansionZone | 0501EB9A | DLC04NukaWorldZone | 0500A467 |
DLC04BradbertonReservoirZone | 050503BE | DLC04HubologistCampZone | 0501CE0B | DLC04POISC07Zone | 05042B5B |
DLC04BradbertonZone | 0504E131 | DLC04JunkyardZone | 0501763D | DLC04SafariAdventureZone | 0501FC80 |
DLC04ColaCarsZone | 0500805E | DLC04KiddieKingdomTunnelsZone | 05017642 | DLC04SafariAdventure_BearCaveZone | 050337A4 |
DLC04FizztopMountainZone | 05056DB5 | DLC04KiddieKingdomZone | 05017641 | DLC04SafariAdventure_PrimateHouseZone | 050337A5 |
DLC04FunhouseZone | 0501955A | DLC04NukacadeZone | 05017640 | DLC04SafariAdventure_ReptileHouseZone | 050337A6 |
DLC04GalacticZoneZone | 0500E766 | DLC04NukaColaResetZone | 05050AAE | DLC04SafariAdventure_WelcomeCenterZone | 050337A7 |
DLC04GalacticZone_NukaGalaxyZone | 05010C9B | DLC04NukaStationZone | 0500B8E4 | DLC04TheParlorZone | 05056DB4 |
DLC04GalacticZone_RobCoBattlezoneZone | 05010C9A | DLC04NukaTownCappysCafeZone | 050273B6 | DLC04TransitCenterZone | 0500ADB2 |
DLC04GalacticZone_StarlightInterstellarTheaterZone | 05010C9C | DLC04NukaTownUSAZone | 0501FCED | DLC04WildWestMineZone | 05046DD4 |
DLC04GalacticZone_StarportNukaZone | 0504ABAF | DLC04NukaWorldAirfieldZone | 050503BF | DLC04WildWestZone | 050431C0 |