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Type: ARMA
Papyrus: None

ArmorAddons are closely related to Armors. Armor forms define items that can be worn; ArmorAddons define how these items fit and look on a character when they're equipped. A single Armor can have multiple ArmorAddons, to cover multiple body parts or to make the armor available to characters with vastly different bodies (e.g. welding goggles being available for humans and dogs). The ArmorAddon object is found within the Object Window under the Items Category.

Editor Dialog[edit | edit source]

ArmorAddon Editor.png
  • ID: The ID, also referred to as Editor ID, is used by the Creation Kit to uniquely identify this record within a Data File.
  • Race: The Race that can wear this armor. Your selection here determines what nodes are offered in the Biped Object data.
  • Art Object: The Art Object to use.
  • Weapon Adjust:
  • No Underarmor Scaling: When selected, the addon will not be scaled up or down based on the SCLP data of any underarmor over which it's being placed.
  • Hi-Res 1st Person Only:
  • Male Female Fields in this column control how the armor looks when worn by male and female characters.
    • Biped Model: The 3D model for the armor as it appears when worn. This should be positioned, rigged, and fitted for a character.
    • Skin Texture:
    • Skin Texture Swap List:
    • First Person: The 3D model for the armor as it appears in first-person view.
    • Priority:
  • Footstep:
  • Detection Sound Value:
  • Modulates Voice: If this option is checked, the armor will slightly muffle a character's voice when they wear it.
  • Import SCLP Data: Clothing (aka "under armor" [U]) uses SCLP data (thought to stand for "sculpt") to control how armor [A] scales when worn over it.
  • Biped Object: Determines which races can wear this armor, and what body parts it covers. This list is generated based on the selected race.
  • Additional Races: Other races that can also use this armor addon. Ideally, these should have the same biped nodes (i.e. body plan) as the main race.

Biped Objects[edit | edit source]

These are the Biped Slots used by human actors.

Index Slot Name
0 30 Hair Top
1 31 Hair Long
2 32 FaceGen Head
3 33 BODY
4 34 L Hand
5 35 R Hand
6 36 [U] Torso
7 37 [U] L Arm
8 38 [U] R Arm
9 39 [U] L Leg
10 40 [U] R Leg
11 41 [A] Torso
12 42 [A] L Arm
13 43 [A] R Arm
14 44 [A] L Leg
15 45 [A] R Leg
16 46 Headband
17 47 Eyes
18 48 Beard
19 49 Mouth
20 50 Neck
21 51 Ring
22 52 Scalp
23 53 Decapitation
24 54 Unnamed
25 55 Unnamed
26 56 Unnamed
27 57 Unnamed
28 58 Unnamed
29 59 Shield
30 60 Pipboy
31 61 FX
32 * Possibly Weapons
33 * Possibly Weapons
34 * Possibly Weapons
35 * Possibly Weapons
36 * Possibly Weapons
37 * Possibly Weapons
38 * Possibly Weapons
39 * Possibly Weapons
40 * Possibly Weapons
41 * Possibly Weapons
42 * Possibly Weapons
43 * Possibly Weapons


  • Index:The index of the Biped Object.
  • Slot: The slot number of the Biped Object.
  • Name: The name of the Biped Object.
  • [U] Slots named with [U] are equipped under slots named with [A].
  • [A] Slots named with [A] are equipped over slots named with [U], and are displayed while in third person.

SCLP Data[edit | edit source]

  • The data must be stored in a file with the same name as its NIF and an extension of ".sclp".
  • The SCLP file itself is a simple text file in JSON format with one entry for each Bone. Each entry contains X, Y, Z scaling factors to indicate how the armor will scale relative to that bone, with values greater than 1.0 increasing the scale. Programs such as Outfit Studio can be used to see the area associated with each bone.
  • The SCLP file only needs to contain the bones that require scaling. For example, if the under armor is a pair of boots, the SCLP file only needs to contain scaling data for the calves.
  • When an item of armor has multiple addons, the SCLP data from the addons is combined, even if the addons have different indexes.

See Also[edit | edit source]