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MiscComponent Struct - MiscObject
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F4SE Member of: MiscObject Script
Requires F4SE version 0.4.2 or higher.
A structure that holds information about the Component Data of a MiscItem. This includes a Component and a number designating the quantity.
Syntax[edit | edit source]
Struct MiscComponent
Component Object
int Count
Members[edit | edit source]
- Object: The Component to use.
- Count: The quantity of this component.
Examples[edit | edit source]
; Trace miscellaneous 'c_Gold' component
Component c_Gold
MiscObject:MiscComponent gold = new MiscObject:MiscComponent
gold.Object = c_Gold
gold.Count = 100
Debug.Trace("There is "+gold.Count+" of the '"+gold.Object+"' component")
Scriptname Example extends ScriptObject
import MiscObject
Group Components
Component Property c_Leather Auto Const Mandatory
Component Property c_Plastic Auto Const Mandatory
Component Property c_Steel Auto Const Mandatory
Event OnInit()
{An array of miscellaneous components}
MiscComponent[] components = new MiscComponent[0]
MiscComponent leather = new MiscComponent
leather.Object = c_Leather
leather.Count = 1
MiscComponent plastic = new MiscComponent
plastic.Object = c_Plastic
plastic.Count = 2
MiscComponent steel = new MiscComponent
steel.Object = c_Steel
steel.Count = 3
int index = 0
While (index < components.Length)
Debug.Trace("("+index+" of "+components.Length+") There is "+components[index].Count+" of the '"+components[index].Object+"' component")
index += 1