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GetMiscComponents - MiscObject
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F4SE Member of: MiscObject Script
Requires F4SE version 0.4.2 or higher.
Gets the Component Data for this MiscItem as an array of MiscComponent structures.
Syntax[edit | edit source]
MiscComponent[] Function GetMiscComponents() Native
Parameters[edit | edit source]
- None
Return Value[edit | edit source]
An array of MiscComponent structures.
Examples[edit | edit source]
; Count how many different types of components are used
MiscObject DeskFanOffice01
int count = DeskFanOffice01.GetMiscComponents().Length
If (count == 1)
Debug.Trace(DeskFanOffice01 + " has one type of component.")
ElseIf (count > 1)
Debug.Trace(DeskFanOffice01 + " has "+count+" types of component.")
Debug.Trace(DeskFanOffice01 + " has no components.")
Scriptname Example extends ScriptObject
import MiscObject
MiscObject Property DeskFanOffice01 Auto Const Mandatory
Event OnInit()
{For each miscellaneous component}
MiscComponent[] components = DeskFanOffice01.GetMiscComponents()
If (components)
int index = 0
While (index < components.Length)
Debug.Trace("("+index+" of "+components.Length+") There is "+components[index].Count+" of the '"+components[index].Object+"' component")
index += 1
Debug.Trace(DeskFanOffice01+" has no components.")
Notes[edit | edit source]
- Do not use these functions on Constructible Object as they will not work. Papyrus defines ConstructibleObject Script as extends MiscObject Script when this is not remotely true internally and F4SE does not support this kind of conversion in code so these are separate functions.