Instance Naming Rules

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Type: INNR
Papyrus: InstanceNamingRules

The Instance Naming Rules object is found within the Object Window under the Miscellaneous Category. Instance Naming Rules determine the name of a single naming instance of one of four target types when an Object Mod is applied to that target type.

Editor Dialog[edit | edit source]

Instance Naming Rules Editor.png

  • ID: The ID, also referred to as Editor ID, is used by the Creation Kit to uniquely identify this record within a Data File.
  • Left Panel: A collection containing instance naming rules. Corresponds to the name of an Object Mod. For example: Braced. Determines the order of crafting recipes listed in the crafting benches if priority is not assigned on the Constructible Object for the Object Mod.
  • Target Type: The type of object these instance naming rules may apply to. This corresponds to the target type of the Object Mod the rule is applying to.
    • NONE:
    • Actor: Naming rules may apply to Actor objects.
    • Armor: Naming rules may apply to Armor objects.
    • Furniture: Naming rules may apply to Furniture objects.
    • Weapon: Naming rules may apply to Weapon objects.
  • Ruleset Number: The order in which the Left Panel is used by a single instance of an object.
  • Index: Assigns priority to the Left Panel rules if there are more than one set rules on a Ruleset Number. DLCs use different indices than vanilla, modders may wish to do the same.
  • Move: Allows the user to change the priority of the Left Panel.
  • Text: The name of the instance of a single object. For example: VATS Enhanced
  • Keywords: A list of Keywords that signal information to other Game Systems. These keywords are used to determine the name of the single instance of an object with associated keywords on an Object Mod.
  • Use Property Data: This property is depreciated, obsolete, or does not appear to be used by the game. This includes the Target, Op, and Value fields.
    • Target:
      • ColorRemappingIndex:
      • Enchantments:
      • ForcedInventory:
      • Keywords:
      • MaterialSwaps:
      • XPOffsets:
    • Op: The comparison operation to perform.
      • <: Target is less than Value.
      • <=: Target is less than or equal to Value.
      • =: Target is equal to Value.
      • >: Target is greater than Value.
      • >=: Target is greater than or equal to Value.
    • Value: The comparison value.

Rulesets[edit | edit source]

Target Type: Actor
The game does not have a ruleset for Actors.

Target Type: Armor

Base naming rules for all types of armor. Excludes power armor, clothing, and vault suits.
Compatibility Solutions: Modders should create new Instance Naming Rules form and MergeWith dn_CommonArmor to add new and unique Text and Keywords to avoid compatibility issues and keyword duplication errors.
New "skins" keywords from the Creation Club will update this form.
Ruleset Rule Index Description of Naming Rule Keyword Prefix
Ruleset 0 1000 (Legendary)
10000 (Linings)
Legendary Object Mods
Lining Object Mods
Ruleset 1 10000 Material Object Mods
Alphabetized by armor type keyword (dn_armor_Combat, dn_armor_Leather, etc.)
Ruleset 2 Not applicable. Drawn from name of the Armor record this instance is naming. Not applicable.
Ruleset 3-9 Not applicable. Unused by the vanilla game. Not applicable.

Base naming rules for Clothing.
Compatibility Solutions: Modders should create new Instance Naming Rules form and MergeWith dn_Clothes to add new and unique Text and Keywords to avoid compatibility issues and keyword duplication errors.
Ruleset Rule Index Description of Naming Rule Keyword Prefix
Ruleset 0 10000 Railroad Object Mods dn_HasMod_Railroad
Ruleset 1-9 Not applicable. Unused by the vanilla game. Not applicable.

Base naming rules for all types of power armor. Each new power armor added by DLCs uses its own set of rules by duplicating this form.
Compatibility Solutions: Modders wishing to add to this form via scripting should not duplicate it. Create new Instance Naming Rules form and MergeWith dn_PowerArmor to add new and unique Text and Keywords to avoid compatibility issues and keyword duplication errors.
New "skins" keywords from the Creation Club will update this form.
Ruleset Rule Index Description of Naming Rule Keyword Prefix
Ruleset 0 10000 Miscellaneous Object Mods dn_HasMisc
Ruleset 1 10000 Material Object Mods dn_HasMaterial
Ruleset 2 10000 Lining Object Mods for each power armor classification (T-60, X-01, Raider). dn_PowerArmor_Lining
Ruleset 3 10000 Text and Keyword of each Armor piece (Helmet, Left Arm, etc.) dn_PowerArmor
Ruleset 4-9 Not applicable. Unused by the vanilla game. Not applicable.

Base naming rules for Vault Suits.
Compatibility Solutions: Modders should create new Instance Naming Rules form and MergeWith dn_Clothes to add new and unique Text and Keywords to avoid compatibility issues and keyword duplication errors.
New "skins" keywords from the Creation Club will update this form.
Ruleset Rule Index Description of Naming Rule Keyword Prefix
Ruleset 0 10000 Lining Object Mods dn_HasVaultSuitLining
Ruleset 1 10000 Fabric Colors ccACXFO4001_dn_VaultColor
Ruleset 2 10000 Ten 'condition' rules that are not used by the game. ccACXFO4001_dn_VaultCondition
Ruleset 3 10000 Vault Numbers ccACXFO4001_dn_VaultNumber
Ruleset 4-9 Not applicable. Unused by the vanilla game. Not applicable.

Base naming rules for power armor included in Automatron. New power armor added by DLCs uses its own set of rules on the new Armor record.
Compatibility Solutions: Modders should create new Instance Naming Rules form and MergeWith DLC01dn_PowerArmor to add new and unique Text and Keywords to avoid compatibility issues and keyword duplication errors.
Ruleset Rule Index Description of Naming Rule Keyword Prefix
Ruleset 0 0 Miscellaneous Object Mods
Duplication of vanilla Ruleset 0.
Ruleset 1 0 Material Object Mods
Duplication of vanilla Ruleset 1 prior to Creation Club.
Ruleset 2 0 Lining Object Mods for each power armor classification (T-60, X-01, Raider).
Includes Automatron's Tesla Naming Rules.
Ruleset 3 0 Text and Keyword of each Armor piece (Helmet, Left Arm, etc.)
Duplication of vanilla.
Ruleset 4-9 Not applicable. Unused by Automatron. Not applicable.

Armor naming rules update for Far Harbor DLC.
New ruleset merges with dn_CommonArmor via MergeWith upon starting new game with DLC enabled.
Ruleset Rule Index Description of Naming Rule Keyword Prefix
Ruleset 0 Not applicable. Blank. Far Harbor uses base game Lining Object Mod names and keywords and did not use this form to add new Legendary Object Mod names and keywords. Not applicable.
Ruleset 1 3000 New Material Object Mods DLC03_dn_armor
Ruleset 2-9 Not applicable. Blank and/or unused by Far Harbor DLC. Not applicable.

Legendary Armor naming rules update for Far Harbor DLC.
New ruleset merges with dn_CommonArmor via MergeWith upon starting new game with DLC enabled.
Ruleset Rule Index Description of Naming Rule Keyword Prefix
Ruleset 0 700 Legendary Object Mods DLC03_HasLegendary
Ruleset 1-9 Not applicable. Unused by Far Harbor DLC. Not applicable.

Armor naming rules update for Nuka World DLC.
New ruleset merges with dn_CommonArmor via MergeWith upon starting new game with DLC enabled.
Ruleset Rule Index Description of Naming Rule Keyword Prefix
Ruleset 0 Not applicable. Blank. Nuka World uses base game Lining Object Mod names and keywords and did not use this form to add new Legendary Object Mod names and keywords. Not applicable.
Ruleset 1 9600 New Material Object Mods DLC04_dn_armor
Ruleset 2 Not applicable. Drawn from name of the Armor record this instance is naming. Not applicable.
Ruleset 3-9 Not applicable. Blank and/or unused by Nuka World DLC. Not applicable.

Base naming rules for power armor included in Nuka World. New power armor added by DLCs uses its own set of rules on the new Armor record.
Compatibility Solutions: Modders should create new Instance Naming Rules form and MergeWith DLC04_dn_PowerArmor_NukaCola to add new and unique Text and Keywords to avoid compatibility issues and keyword duplication errors.
Ruleset Rule Index Description of Naming Rule Keyword Prefix
Ruleset 0 10000 Miscellaneous Object Mods
Duplication of vanilla Ruleset 0.
Ruleset 1 10000 Material Object Mods
Duplication of vanilla Ruleset 1 prior to Creation Club.
Ruleset 2 10000 Lining Object Mods for each power armor classification (T-60, X-01, Raider).
Duplication of vanilla.
Ruleset 3 10000 Text and Keyword of each Armor piece (Helmet, Left Arm, etc.)
Duplication of vanilla.
Ruleset 4-9 Not applicable. Unused by Nuka World. Not applicable.

Base naming rules for power armor included in Nuka World. New power armor added by DLCs uses its own set of rules on the new Armor record.
Compatibility Solutions: Modders should create new Instance Naming Rules form and MergeWith DLC04_dn_PowerArmor_Overboss to add new and unique Text and Keywords to avoid compatibility issues and keyword duplication errors.
Ruleset Rule Index Description of Naming Rule Keyword Prefix
Ruleset 0 10000 Miscellaneous Object Mods
Duplication of vanilla Ruleset 0.
Ruleset 1 10000 Material Object Mods
Duplication of vanilla Ruleset 1 prior to Creation Club.
Ruleset 2 10000 Lining Object Mods for each power armor classification (T-60, X-01, Raider). dn_PowerArmor_Lining
Ruleset 3 10000 Text and Keyword of each Armor piece (Helmet, Left Arm, etc.)
Duplication of vanilla.
Ruleset 4-9 Not applicable. Unused by Nuka World. Not applicable.

Base naming rules for power armor included in Nuka World. New power armor added by DLCs uses its own set of rules on the new Armor record.
Compatibility Solutions: Modders should create new Instance Naming Rules form and MergeWith DLC04_dn_PowerArmor_Quantum to add new and unique Text and Keywords to avoid compatibility issues and keyword duplication errors.
Ruleset Rule Index Description of Naming Rule Keyword Prefix
Ruleset 0 10000 Miscellaneous Object Mods
Duplication of vanilla Ruleset 0.
Ruleset 1 10000 Material Object Mods
Duplication of vanilla Ruleset 1 prior to Creation Club.
Ruleset 2 10000 Lining Object Mods for each power armor classification (T-60, X-01, Raider). dn_PowerArmor_Lining
Ruleset 3 10000 Text and Keyword of each Armor piece (Helmet, Left Arm, etc.)
Duplication of vanilla.
Ruleset 4-9 Not applicable. Unused by Nuka World. Not applicable.

Target Type: Furniture
The game does not have a ruleset for Furniture.

Target Type: Weapon

See Also[edit | edit source]

External Links[edit | edit source]