Category:Editor Properties

This page is for shared property descriptions of Base Objects. These are the fields visible in object editor windows such as Armor, Weapon, or Quest. This table contains the properties found on these object classes.

Links Object Property
Search Activate Text Override: A short verb that replaces the word "Activate" when looking at this object.
Search Actor Value: The Actor Value to use.
Search Add Destruction Data: Allows you to configure the objects destruction data with the Destructible Object Data editor.
Search Art Object: The Art Object to use.
Search B: The colors blue channel is represented by a number between 0 and 255.
Search Clac from components: The MiscItem will use it's Component Data to determine the cap value.
Search Color: The default color used for this object.
Search Component Data: A collection of Components this MiscItem will yield when scrapped. The object's cap Value may also be influenced by entries within the collection.
    • Component: The Component object to use.
    • Quantity: The amount of this component.
    • Display Index: Used for sorting the display order within the user interface. Sorting is alphabetical by default, where higher values are sorted towards the bottom.
Search Conditions: The Conditions must be met.
Search Crafting Sound: The Sound Descriptor played when the object is crafted.
Search Damage: The amount of damage caused by this object.
Search Desc: The object's description as it will appear within user interface menus.
Search Description: The object's description as it will appear within user interface menus.
Search Destructible Object: Allows you to configure the objects destruction data with the Destructible Object Data editor.
Search Display Name: The name as it will appear in-game.
Search Edit Destruction Data: Allows you to configure the objects destruction data with the Destructible Object Data editor.
Search Editor Color:
Search Effect Shader: The EffectShader to use.
Search Enchanting: The Enchantment to use.
Search Equip Type: Used for weapons.
Search Explosion: The Explosion to use.
Search Featured Item Message:
Search Full Name: This object's name as it will appear within user interface menus or when the player looks at it.
Search G: The colors green channel is represented by a number between 0 and 255.
Search Health: The object's base health.
Search Icon: The Texture File that will be used for this object's icon. This property is depreciated, obsolete, or does not appear to be used by the game.
Search ID: The ID, also referred to as Editor ID, is used by the Creation Kit to uniquely identify this record within a Data File.
Search ImageSpace Modifier: The ImageSpace Modifier to use.
Search Impact Data Set: The ImpactDataSet to use.
Search Instance Naming: Instance Naming Rules are a set of prefixes used to modify an item's Name depending on what Keywords and Object Mods it has. This works on a per-reference basis.
Search Inventory Art: The 3D model that appears in the inventory. Contains additional details for the book interface.
Search Inventory Image: The Texture File to use for an inventory image. This property is depreciated, obsolete, or does not appear to be used by the game.
Search IS Mod: The ImageSpace Modifier to use.
Search Keywords: A list of Keywords that signal information to other Game Systems.
Search Menu Art Object:
Search Menu Image: The Texture File to use for a menu image. This property is depreciated, obsolete, or does not appear to be used by the game.
Search Message Icon: The Texture File that will be used for this object's message icon. This property is depreciated, obsolete, or does not appear to be used by the game.
Search Model: The 3D Model File that will be used when this object is placed in the game world.
Search Name: This object's name as it will appear within user interface menus or when the player looks at it.
Search Notes: A text box used to explain the purpose of this object. These notes are for developers and are not used in game.
Search Object Window Filter: Controls the sub-category that this object will appear within the Object Window.
Search Old Script: Used to select a script for this object. This property is depreciated, obsolete, or does not appear to be used by the game.
Search On Local Map: Indicates this object will appear on the PipboyMenu local map. The local map displays a top-down view of Cell geometry and all objects that have On Local Map selected.
Search Pack-In Use Only: The object is for pack-in use only.
Search Script Fragments: Papyrus script fragments can be attached here, and their properties edited.
Search Scripts: Papyrus scripts may be added, removed, and their properties edited.
    • Add: Adds a papyrus script to this object.
    • Remove: Removes the selected papyrus script from this object.
    • Properties: Shows the papyrus property editor for the selected script.
Search Pickup Sound: The Sound Descriptor played when the object is picked up.
Search Playable: If checked, this object will be usable by the player. The object may be visible in user interface menus or usable when encountered within the game world.
Search Preview Transform: A Transform applies positioning to a Model File. These may be used when previewing objects within the Creation Kit or in-game user interface menus.
Search Priority: Controls the precedence for this object.
Search Projectile: The Projectile to use.
Search Putdown Sound: The Sound Descriptor played when the object is dropped.
Search R: The colors red channel is represented by a number between 0 and 255.
Search Short Name: Optionally, a shorter name used on the HUD and for Text Replacement fields that specify the short name. If left blank the full Name is used.
Search Sound: The Sound Descriptor to play.
Search Spells: A list of Spells to use.
Search SWF: The Flash File to display.
Search Use Global: Allows a Global variable to be used.
Search Use Sound: The Sound Descriptor played when the object is used or consumed.
Search Value: The object's value in caps which determines its worth to vendors.
Search Weight: The weight of this object which represents how heavy it is.
Search World Art: The 3D Model File as seen in the world.
Search World Model: The 3D Model File that will be used when this object is placed in the game world. This model can be viewed in the inventory or when left lying around in the world.
Search This property is depreciated, obsolete, or does not appear to be used by the game.

See AlsoEdit

Pages in category "Editor Properties"

The following 68 pages are in this category, out of 68 total.