Category:Object Classes

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These are the Creation Kit object classes. Most objects can be found in the Object Window, spread out over several categories. Each object has Editor Properties which are visible on each of the object editor windows.

Base Objects
Icon Type Object
Acoustic Space EditorIcon.png ASPC Acoustic Space
Activator EditorIcon.png ACTI Activator
Actor EditorIcon.png NPC_ Actor
Actor Action EditorIcon.png AACT Actor Action
AVIF Actor Value
AddOnNode EditorIcon.png ADDN AddOnNode
AimModel EditorIcon.png AMDL AimModel
Ammo EditorIcon.png AMMO Ammo
STAG Animation Tag Set
AnimObject EditorIcon.png ANIO AnimObject
Armor EditorIcon.png ARMO Armor
ArmorAddon EditorIcon.png ARMA ArmorAddon
Art Object EditorIcon.png ARTO Art Object
Association Type EditorIcon.png ASTP Association Type
AORU AttractionRule
BendableSpline EditorIcon.png BNDS BendableSpline
BodyPartData EditorIcon.png BPTD BodyPartData
Book EditorIcon.png BOOK Book
CameraShot EditorIcon.png CAMS CameraShot
SCSN Category Snapshot
Class EditorIcon.png CLAS Class
Climate EditorIcon.png CLMT Climate
Collision Layer EditorIcon.png COLL Collision Layer
ColorForm EditorIcon.png CLFM ColorForm
CombatStyle EditorIcon.png CSTY CombatStyle
Component EditorIcon.png CMPO Component
Constructible Object EditorIcon.png COBJ Constructible Object
Container EditorIcon.png CONT Container
DMGT Damage Type
Debris EditorIcon.png DEBR Debris
DefaultObject EditorIcon.png DFOB DefaultObject
DEST Destructible Object Data
Door EditorIcon.png DOOR Door
Dual Cast Data EditorIcon.png DUAL Dual Cast Data
AECH Effect Chain
Effect Item
EffectShader EditorIcon.png EFSH EffectShader
Enchantment EditorIcon.png ENCH Enchantment
Encounter Zone EditorIcon.png ECZN Encounter Zone
Equip Slot EditorIcon.png EQUP Equip Slot
Explosion EditorIcon.png EXPL Explosion
Faction EditorIcon.png FACT Faction
Flora EditorIcon.png FLOR Flora
Footstep EditorIcon.png FSTP Footstep
Footstep Set EditorIcon.png FSTS Footstep Set
FormList EditorIcon.png FLST FormList
Furniture EditorIcon.png FURN Furniture
Global EditorIcon.png GLOB Global
Grass EditorIcon.png GRAS Grass
Hazard EditorIcon.png HAZD Hazard
HeadPart EditorIcon.png HDPT HeadPart
Holotape EditorIcon.png NOTE Holotape
IdleMarker EditorIcon.png IDLM IdleMarker
ImageSpace Modifier EditorIcon.png IMAD ImageSpace Modifier
ImpactData EditorIcon.png IPCT ImpactData
ImpactDataSet EditorIcon.png IPDS ImpactDataSet
Ingredient EditorIcon.png INGR Ingredient
INNR Instance Naming Rules
Key EditorIcon.png KEYM Key
Keyword EditorIcon.png KYWD Keyword
LandTexture EditorIcon.png LTEX LandTexture
Layer EditorIcon.png LAYR Layer
LENS LensFlare
LeveledCharacter EditorIcon.png LVLN LeveledCharacter
LeveledItem EditorIcon.png LVLI LeveledItem
LeveledSpell EditorIcon.png LVSP LeveledSpell
Light EditorIcon.png LIGH Light
Lighting Template EditorIcon.png LGTM Lighting Template
LoadScreen EditorIcon.png LSCR LoadScreen
Location EditorIcon.png LCTN Location
Location Ref Type EditorIcon.png LCRT Location Ref Type
Magic Effect EditorIcon.png MGEF Magic Effect
Material Object EditorIcon.png MATO Material Object
MSWP Material Swap
Material Type EditorIcon.png MATT Material Type
Message EditorIcon.png MESG Message
MiscItem EditorIcon.png MISC MiscItem
MovableStatic EditorIcon.png MSTT MovableStatic
Movement Type EditorIcon.png MOVT Movement Type
Music Track EditorIcon.png MUST Music Track
Music Type EditorIcon.png MUSC Music Type
OMOD Object Mod
Outfit EditorIcon.png OTFT Outfit
Package EditorIcon.png PACK Package
PackIn EditorIcon.png PKIN PackIn
Perk EditorIcon.png PERK Perk
Potion EditorIcon.png ALCH Potion
Projectile EditorIcon.png PROJ Projectile
Quest EditorIcon.png QUST Quest
Race EditorIcon.png RACE Race
Relationship EditorIcon.png RELA Relationship
Reverb Parameters EditorIcon.png REVB Reverb Parameters
Shader Particle Geometry EditorIcon.png SPGD Shader Particle Geometry
SM Event Node EditorIcon.png SMEN SM Event Node
Sound Category EditorIcon.png SNCT Sound Category
Sound Descriptor EditorIcon.png SNDR Sound Descriptor
KSSM Sound Keyword Mapping
Sound Marker EditorIcon.png SOUN Sound Marker
Sound Output Model EditorIcon.png SOPM Sound Output Model
Spell EditorIcon.png SPEL Spell
Static EditorIcon.png STAT Static
TalkingActivator EditorIcon.png TACT TalkingActivator
TERM Terminal
TextureSet EditorIcon.png TXST TextureSet
TRNS Transform
Tree EditorIcon.png TREE Tree
RFCT Visual Effect
VoiceType EditorIcon.png VTYP VoiceType
WaterType EditorIcon.png WATR WaterType
Weapon EditorIcon.png WEAP Weapon
Weather EditorIcon.png WTHR Weather
WRLD WorldSpace
ZOOM ZoomData

Categories[edit | edit source]

See Also[edit | edit source]


This category has the following 10 subcategories, out of 10 total.