ObjectReference Script
Revision as of 06:50, 26 April 2017 by imported>Qazaaq (fixed wrong short description of "AddTextReplacementData")
Extends: Form Script
Script for the manipulation of object instances.
ScriptName ObjectReference extends Form Native Hidden
- float X [read-only]: The current X position of the reference.
- float Y [read-only]: The current Y position of the reference.
- float Z [read-only]: The current Z position of the reference.
Global Functions
Member Functions
- Function Activate(ObjectReference akActivator, bool abDefaultProcessingOnly)
- Have the passed in reference activate this object.
- Function AddItem(Form akItemToAdd, int aiCount, bool abSilent)
- Adds the passed in item to this object's inventory.
- Function AddKeyIfNeeded(ObjectReference ObjectWithNeededKey)
- Adds the key to ObjectWithNeededKey if this object's inventory does not contain it already.
- Function AddKeyword(Keyword akKeyword)
- Adds passed in Keyword to this reference's list of keywords.
- Function AddTextReplacementData(string asTokenLabel, Form akForm)
- Adds an association between the given string and the given form for text replacement usage.
- Function AddToMap(bool abAllowFastTravel)
- Adds this map marker to the map, optionally making it available for fast travel.
- Function ApplyConveyorBelt - ObjectReference( string aTarget, float aLinVelX, float aLinVelY, float aLinVelZ, bool abOn, bool abReverse )
- Applies a conveyor belt to the reference
- Function ApplyFanMotor(string aTarget, float aAxisX, float aAxisY, float aAxisZ, float aForce, bool abOn)
- Applies a fan motor to the reference
- Function ApplyHavokImpulse(float afX, float afY, float afZ, float afMagnitude)
- Apply a Havok impulse force to this object.
- Function AttachMod(ObjectMod akMod, int aiAttachIndex)
- Attach a mod to this object
- Function AttachModToInventoryItem(Form akItem, ObjectMod akMod)
- Attach a mod to an item in this Object's inventory
- Function AttachTo(ObjectReference akParent)
- Attaches this reference to the specified parent
- Function BlockActivation(bool abBlocked, bool abHideActivateText)
- Blocks (or un-blocks) normal activation processing for this reference, potentially also hiding activate text.
- int Function CalculateEncounterLevel(int aiDifficulty)
- Calculate this object's encounter level, using the specified difficulty.
- bool Function CanFastTravelToMarker()
- Can the player fast travel to this map marker?
- bool Function CanProduceForWorkshop() native
- Can the reference produce resources for a Workshop?
- Function ClearDestruction()
- Clears all effects of destruction from this object.
- Function ConveyorBeltOn - ObjectReference(bool abOn)
- Sets the On/Off state of the conveyor belt.
- int Function CountActorsLinkedToMe(Keyword apLinkKeyword, Keyword apExcludeKeyword)
- Returns the number of instantiated Actors who have a linked ref to this reference
- int Function CountLinkedRefChain(keyword apKeyword, int maxExpectedLinkedRefs)
- Counts the number of linked refs that are in a linked Ref chain
- int Function CountRefsLinkedToMe(Keyword apLinkKeyword, Keyword apExcludeKeyword)
- Returns the number of instantiated ObjectReferences who have a LinkedRef to this reference
- Function CreateDetectionEvent(Actor akOwner, int aiSoundLevel)
- Create a detection event at this reference, with the specified owner.
- Function DamageObject(float afDamage)
- Damages this object and advances the destruction stage.
- Function DamageValue(ActorValue akAV, float afDamage)
- Damages the given actor value
- Function Delete()
- Deletes this object.
- Function DeleteWhenAble()
- Waits until this reference is out of the loaded area and then deletes it
- Function Disable(bool abFadeOut)
- Disables this object.
- Function DisableLinkChain(Keyword apKeyword, bool abFadeOut)
- Disables all of the references that are linked, in a chain, to this one.
- Function DisableNoWait(bool abFadeOut)
- Disables this object and does not wait for the object to be disable or faded out.
- Function Drop(bool abSilent)
- Drops this object from the container that it is in.
- ObjectReference Function DropFirstObject(bool abInitiallyDisabled)
- Drops the "first" object in the container.
- Function DropObject(Form akObject, int aiCount)
- Drops the specified object from this object's inventory.
- Function Enable(bool abFadeIn)
- Enables this object.
- Function EnableFastTravel(bool abEnable)
- Enables or disables fast travel to this map marker.
- Function EnableLinkChain(Keyword apKeyword, bool abFadeIn)
- Enables all of the references that are linked, in a chain, to this one.
- Function EnableNoWait(bool abFadeIn)
- Enables this object and does not wait for the object to be enabled or faded in.
- Function FanMotorOn(bool abOn)
- Sets a fan motor on/off state
- ObjectReference[] Function FindAllReferencesOfType(Form akObjectOrList, float afRadius) native
- Finds all references to the given object or objects in the given list in the loaded area within the given radius of the calling ref and returns an array of them
- ObjectReference[] Function FindAllReferencesWithKeyword(Form akKeywordOrList, float afRadius) native
- Finds all references with the given keyword or matching all keywords in the given list in the loaded area within the given radius of the calling ref and returns an array of them
- Function ForceAddRagdollToWorld() native
- Forcibly adds the ragdoll of a reference to the world
- Function ForceRemoveRagdollFromWorld() native
- Forcibly removes the ragdoll of a reference from the world
- ActorBase Function GetActorOwner()
- Obtains the actor base that owns this object.
- Actor Function GetActorRefOwner()
- Obtains the actor that owns this object - if owned by a specific actor reference.
- Actor[] Function GetActorsLinkedToMe(Keyword apLinkKeyword, Keyword apExcludeKeyword)
- Gets an array of instantiated Actors who are linked to this reference
- float Function GetAngleX()
- Obtains this object's rotation around the x axis.
- float Function GetAngleY()
- Obtains this object's rotation around the y axis.
- float Function GetAngleZ()
- Obtains this object's rotation around the z axis.
- bool Function GetAnimationVariableBool(string asVariableName)
- Fetches the value of a variable on the reference's animation graph (bool version).
- float Function GetAnimationVariableFloat(string asVariableName)
- Fetches the value of a variable on the reference's animation graph (float version).
- int Function GetAnimationVariableInt(string asVariableName)
- Fetches the value of a variable on the reference's animation graph (int version).
- Form Function GetBaseObject()
- Obtains this reference's base object.
- float Function GetBaseValue(ActorValue akAV)
- Gets the base value of the specified actor value - returns 0 and logs an error if the value is unknown
- int Function GetComponentCount(Form akItem)
- Counts the number of components in this object's inventory
- ObjectReference Function GetContainer()
- Obtains the container this reference is in, if any.
- int Function GetCurrentDestructionStage()
- Gets the object's current stage of destruction.
- Location Function GetCurrentLocation()
- Obtains this reference's current location.
- Scene Function GetCurrentScene()
- Obtains the scene that this reference is currently participating in, if any.
- float Function GetDistance(ObjectReference akOther)
- Calculates the distance between this object and the passed in one.
- Location Function GetEditorLocation()
- Obtains this reference's editor location.
- EncounterZone Function GetEncounterZone()
- Obtains this reference's encounter zone.
- Faction Function GetFactionOwner()
- Gets the faction that owns this reference.
- float Function GetHeadingAngle(ObjectReference akOther)
- Gets the angle between this object's heading, and the direction the other object is in.
- float Function GetHeight()
- Gets the height of this object
- int Function GetInventoryValue()
- Gets the value of all items in this object's inventory.
- int Function GetItemCount(Form akItem)
- Returns how many of the specified item is in this object's inventory.
- float Function GetItemHealthPercent()
- Returns the item health percent of this object (1.0 == 100%).
- Key Function GetKey()
- Obtains the key that unlocks this object (if any).
- float Function GetLength()
- Obtains the length of this object.
- ObjectReference Function GetLinkedRef(Keyword apKeyword)
- Returns our linked reference for the given Keyword, if any.
- ObjectReference[] Function GetLinkedRefChain(Keyword apKeyword, int iMaxExpectedLinkedRefs)
- Returns an array listing every linked ref in a chain from this one.
- ObjectReference[] Function GetLinkedRefChildren(keyword apKeyword ) native
- Returns an array of linked reference children which were linked using the given keyword
- int Function GetLockLevel()
- Obtains the level of the lock on this object.
- LocationRefType[] Function GetLocRefTypes()
- Gets the location ref type for this object.
- float Function GetMass()
- Obtains this object's mass in Havok.
- ObjectReference Function GetNthLinkedRef(int aiLinkedRef, Keyword apKeyword)
- Obtains the nth linked ref from this object.
- int Function GetOpenState()
- Obtains this object's current "open state".
- Cell Function GetParentCell()
- Obtains the cell this object is currently in.
- float Function GetPositionX()
- Returns this object's current X position.
- float Function GetPositionY()
- Returns this object's current Y position.
- float Function GetPositionZ()
- Returns this object's current Z position.
- float Function GetRadioFrequency()
- Get this radio receiver's frequency
- float Function GetRadioVolume()
- Get this radio receiver's volume
- ObjectReference[] Function GetRefsLinkedToMe(Keyword apLinkKeyword, Keyword apExcludeKeyword)
- Gets an array of all instantiated ObjectReferences that are linked to this reference
- float Function GetResourceDamage(ActorValue akAV)
- Get the total damage, if any, of the given resource or of all nonzero resource actor values.
- float[] Function GetSafePosition(float aSearchRadius, float aSafeRadius)
- Get the nearest navmesh 'safe' position of radius aSafeRadius within aSearchRadius.
- float Function GetScale()
- Get this object's current scale.
- Cell Function GetTeleportCell()
- Gets the target cell for this teleport ref
- Cell Function GetTransitionCell()
- Gets the transition cell for this teleport ref
- float Function GetTransmitterDistance()
- Returns the distance from this transmitter to the player.
- int Function GetTriggerObjectCount()
- Returns the number of objects inside this trigger volume.
- float Function GetValue(ActorValue akAV)
- Gets the specified actor value - returns 0 and logs an error if the value is unknown
- float Function GetValuePercentage(ActorValue akAV)
- Gets the specified actor value as a percentage of its max value - from 0 to 1
- ObjectReference[] Function GetWorkshopOwnedObjects(Actor akActor)
- Gets all object references owned by the Actor for this workshop.
- float Function GetWorkshopResourceDamage(ActorValue akValue) native
- Get the total damage, if any, on all producers of the given resource in the Workshop.
- ObjectReference[] Function GetWorkshopResourceObjects(ActorValue akAV)
- Gets all object references that produce resources for this workshop - optionally filtering by what resource they produce.
- VoiceType function GetVoiceType()
- Obtains the VoiceType for this actor or talking activator.
- float Function GetWidth()
- Get the current width of the object.
- Worldspace Function GetWorldSpace()
- Returns the worldspace this reference is in.
- bool Function HasActorRefOwner()
- Returns whether this object has an actor ref owner (even if the actor isn't currently persisting).
- bool Function HasDirectLOS(ObjectReference akTarget, string asSourceNode, string asTargetNode)
- Checks to see if there is a direct line of sight between this ref and another ref.
- bool Function HasEffectKeyword(Keyword akKeyword)
- Returns if this reference has an active effect coming from a magic effect with the specified keyword attached
- bool Function HasKeyword(Keyword akKeyword)
- Returns if this reference has the specified Keyword in its list of keywords.
- bool Function HasKeywordInFormList(FormList akKeywordList)
- Returns if this reference has any of the keywords in the FormList in its list of keywords.
- bool Function HasLocRefType(LocationRefType akRefType)
- Returns if this reference has the specified LocationRefType attached.
- bool Function HasNode(string asNodeName)
- Returns if this reference has the specified name node in its 3D.
- bool Function HasOwner()
- Is this ref owned?
- bool Function HasSharedPowerGrid(ObjectReference akCompare)
- Returns true if this reference is on the same power grid as the compare reference.
- Function IgnoreFriendlyHits(bool abIgnore)
- Flags this reference as ignoring (or not ignoring) friendly hits
- Function InterruptCast()
- Interrupts any spellcasting this object may be doing.
- bool Function IsActivateChild(ObjectReference akChild)
- Returns whether the passed in reference is an activate child of this reference.
- bool Function IsActivationBlocked()
- Returns whether normal activation processing is currently blocked on this reference or not.
- bool Function Is3DLoaded()
- Checks to see if this reference's 3D data is currently loaded or not.
- bool Function IsCreated()
- Was this object created in-game?
- bool Function IsConveyorBeltOn - ObjectReference()
- Get conveyor belt on/off state
- bool Function IsDeleted()
- Is this object currently flagged for delete?
- bool Function IsDestroyed()
- Is this object currently destroyed?
- bool Function IsDisabled()
- Is this object currently disabled?
- bool Function IsEnabled()
- Is this object currently enabled?
- bool Function IsFanMotorOn()
- Get fan motor on/off state
- bool Function IsFurnitureInUse(bool abIgnoreReserved)
- Is any furniture marker on this object in use?
- bool Function IsFurnitureMarkerInUse(int aiMarker, bool abIgnoreReserved)
- Is the specified furniture marker on this object in use?
- bool Function IsIgnoringFriendlyHits()
- Is this object ignoring friendly hits?
- bool Function IsInDialogueWithPlayer()
- Is this actor or talking activator currently talking to the player?
- bool Function IsInInterior ()
- Returns true if the object is in an interior cell.
- bool Function IsInLocation (Location akLocation)
- Returns true if the object is currently in that location or a child of that location.
- bool Function IsLockBroken()
- Is the lock on this object broken?
- bool Function IsLocked()
- Is the lock on this object locked?
- bool Function IsMapMarkerVisible()
- Is this map marker visible to the player?
- bool Function IsOwnedBy(Actor akOwner)
- Is this ref owned by the given actor?
- bool Function IsNearPlayer()
- A quick-and-dirty function to tell if this object is safe to enable or disable
- bool Function IsPowered()
- Is this object currently powered?
- bool Function IsQuestItem() native
- Is this reference a quest item?
- bool Function IsRadioOn()
- Is this radio turned on?
- bool Function IsRefInTransitionCell(ObjectReference akRef)
- Is the given ref in the bounds of this teleport ref's transformed transition cell?
- bool Function IsTeleportAreaLoaded()
- Is the area this ref teleports to fully loaded?
- bool Function IsWithinBuildableArea(ObjectReference akRef)
- Is this ref within the specified Workshop Activator's buildable area?
- Function KnockAreaEffect(float afMagnitude, float afRadius)
- Executes a knock effect to an area
- Function Lock(bool abLock, bool abAsOwner)
- Locks or unlocks this object.
- Function MakeRadioReceiver(float afFrequency, float afVolume, OutputModel aOverrideModel, bool abActive, bool abNoStatic)
- Make this object a radio receiver. Override the current state if the object is already a receiver.
- Function MakeTransmitterRepeater(ObjectReference akTransmitterToRepeat, float afInnerRadius, float afOuterRadius, bool abUnlimitedRange)
- Make this object into a radio transmitter-repeater
- Function ModValue(ActorValue akAV, float afAmount)
- Modifies the specified actor value
- Function MoveTo(ObjectReference akTarget, float afXOffset, float afYOffset, float afZOffset, bool abMatchRotation)
- Moves this object to the same location as the passed-in reference, offset by the specified amount.
- bool Function MoveToIfUnloaded(ObjectReference akTarget, float afXOffset, float afYOffset, float afZOffset)
- Moves this object to the same location as the passed-in reference, offset by the specified amount, IF this object is not currently loaded.
- Function MoveToMyEditorLocation()
- Moves this object to its own editor location.
- Function MoveToNearestNavmeshLocation() native
- Moves this object to the nearest location on a Navmesh
- Function MoveToNode(ObjectReference akTarget, string asNodeName)
- Moves this object to the position (and rotation) of the specified node on the specified object's 3D
- Function OpenWorkshopSettlementMenu(Keyword akActionKW, Message astrConfirm, Location aLocToHighlight)
- Opens the workshop caravan menu for this workshop object.
- Function OpenWorkshopSettlementMenuEx(Keyword akActionKW, Message astrConfirm, Location aLocToHighlight, FormList akIncludeKeywordList, FormList akExcludeKeywordList, bool abExcludeZeroPopulation, bool abOnlyOwnedWorkshops, bool abTurnOffHeader, bool abOnlyPotentialVassalSettlements, bool abDisableReservedByQuests)
- Opens the workshop caravan menu for this workshop object.
- Function PauseAudio()
- Pauses audio being played by this reference.
- Actor Function PlaceActorAtMe(ActorBase akActorToPlace, int aiLevelMod, EncounterZone akZone)
- Create an actor at this object's location.
- ObjectReference Function PlaceAtMe(Form akFormToPlace, int aiCount, bool abForcePersist, bool abInitiallyDisabled, bool abDeleteWhenAble)
- Places x copies of the passed in form at this object's current position, returning the last one created.
- ObjectReference Function PlaceAtNode(String asNodeName, Form akFormToPlace, int aiCount, bool abForcePersist, bool abInitiallyDisabled, bool abDeleteWhenAble, bool abAttach)
- Places x copies of the passed in form at the position of the given node on the object's 3D, returning the last one created.
- bool Function PlayAnimation(string asAnimation)
- Plays the specified animation on this object, returning immediately.
- bool Function PlayAnimationAndWait(string asAnimation, string asEventName)
- Plays the specified animation on this object and waits for the specified event before returning. (latent)
- bool Function PlayGamebryoAnimation(string asAnimation, bool abStartOver, float afEaseInTime)
- Plays a legacy nif file based animation
- bool Function PlayImpactEffect (ImpactDataSet akImpactEffect, string asNodeName, float afPickDirX, float afPickDirY, float afPickDirZ, float afPickLength, bool abApplyNodeRotation, bool abUseNodeLocalRotation)
- Plays an impact effect.
- bool Function PlaySyncedAnimationAndWaitSS(string asAnimation1, string asEvent1, ObjectReference akObj2, string asAnimation2, string asEvent2)
- Plays two animations simultaneously, waiting for events from both.
- bool Function PlaySyncedAnimationSS(string asAnimation1, ObjectReference akObj2, string asAnimation2)
- Plays two animations simultaneously.
- Function PlayTerrainEffect (string asEffectModelName, string asAttachBoneName)
- Plays a terrain effect.
- Function PreloadExteriorCell ()
- Preloads the single exterior cell containing the ref.
- Function PreloadTargetArea ()
- Preloads the target area for the ref.
- Function ProcessTrapHit(ObjectReference akTrap, float afDamage, float afPushback, float afXVel, float afYVel, float afZVel, float afXPos, float afYPos, float afZPos, int aeMaterial, float afStagger)
- Tells this object to handle the specified trap object hitting it.
- Function PushActorAway(Actor akActorToPush, int aiKnockbackDamage)
- Pushes the other actor away from this object as if hit by the specified amount of knockback damage.
- int Function RaidTargetsAvailable(Keyword akActionKW, Message astrConfirm, Location aLocToHighlight, FormList akIncludeKeywordList, FormList akExcludeKeywordList, bool abExcludeZeroPopulation, bool abOnlyOwnedWorkshops, bool abTurnOffHeader, bool abOnlyPotentialVassalSettlements, bool abDisableReservedByQuests) native
- bool Function RampRumble(float power, float duration, float falloff)
- Shakes cam/controller based on distance from player
- Function RecalculateResources()
- Tells this workbench to recalculate all workshop actor values
- Function RemoveAllItems(ObjectReference akTransferTo, bool abKeepOwnership)
- Removes all items from this container, optionall transferring them to another one.
- Function RemoveComponents(Component akComponent, int aiCount, bool abSilent = false) native
- Removes components from the container, scrapping as necessary and returning change.
- Function RemoveItem(Form akItemToRemove, int aiCount, bool abSilent, ObjectReference akOtherContainer)
- Removes the passed in item from this object's inventory.
- Function Function RemoveItemByComponent(Form akComponentToRemove, int aiCount, bool abSilent, ObjectReference akOtherContainer)
- Removes items from this object's inventory containing at least the number of components specified, potentially more.
- Function RemoveKeyword(Keyword akKeyword)
- Removes specified Keyword from this reference's list of keywords. Returns true if successfully removed.
- Function RemoveAllMods()
- Removes every single mod attached to this reference (warning, for some actors/items this will leave no rendering geometry at all!)
- Function RemoveAllModsFromInventoryItem(Form akItem)
- Removes every single mod attach to an item in this reference's inventory. Note that some items won't have any geometry if you do this (ie, handmade guns)
- Function RemoveMod(ObjectMod akMod)
- Remove the requested mod from the reference
- Function RemoveModFromInventoryItem(Form akItem, ObjectMod akMod)
- Remove the requested mod from an item in this reference's inventory
- Function Repair()
- Repair this object reference. Primarily for Workshop items.
- Function Reset(ObjectReference akTarget)
- Resets this object reference, optionally placing the object at the new target.
- Function ResetKeyword(Keyword akKeyword)
- Removes AddKeyword/RemoveKeyword modifications, allowing the base object and aliases to control it again.
- Function RestoreValue(ActorValue akAV, float afAmount)
- Restores damage done to the actor value(up to 0 damage)
- Function ResumeAudio()
- Resumes paused audio on this reference.
- Function ReverseConveyorBelt - ObjectReference(bool abReverse)
- Sets reverse state of conveyor belt
- Function Say(Topic akTopicToSay, Actor akActorToSpeakAs, bool abSpeakInPlayersHead, ObjectReference akTarget)
- Causes this reference to speak a topic as if it were the specified actor.
- Function SayCustom(Keyword akKeywordToSay, Actor akActorToSpeakAs, bool abSpeakInPlayersHead, ObjectReference akTarget)
- Causes this reference to speak a keyworded topic as if it were the specified actor.
- int Function SellItem(Form Item, int Value, int amountToSell, bool silent, form paymentItem, objectReference PaymentContainer)
- "Sells" an item for the specified payment (will NOT trigger OnSell events because it's not a real sale)
- Function SendStealAlarm(Actor akThief)
- Sends a steal alarm as if this reference had just been stolen by the actor.
- Function SetActivateTextOverride(Message akText)
- Sets the full name of the given message to be this ref's activate text.
- Function SetActorCause(Actor akActor)
- Sets this actor as this object's actor cause.
- Function SetActorOwner(ActorBase akActorBase, bool abNoCrime)
- Sets this actor base as this object's owner.
- Function SetActorRefOwner(Actor akActor, bool abNoCrime)
- Sets this particular actor as this object's owner.
- Function SetAngle(float afXAngle, float afYAngle, float afZAngle)
- Sets this object's rotation. Angles are in degrees.
- Function SetAnimationVariableBool(string asVariableName, bool abNewValue)
- Sets the value of a variable on the reference's animation graph (bool version).
- Function SetAnimationVariableFloat(string asVariableName, float afNewValue)
- Sets the value of a variable on the reference's animation graph (float version).
- Function SetAnimationVariableInt(string asVariableName, int aiNewValue)
- Sets the value of a variable on the reference's animation graph (int version).
- Function SetAttractionActive(Keyword apKeyword, bool abActive)
- Enable/disable this object from sending attraction story manager events.
- Function SetConveyorBeltVelocity - ObjectReference( float aLinVelX, float aLinVelY, float aLinVelZ )
- Sets local-space linear velocity of the conveyor belt
- Function SetDestroyed(bool abDestroyed)
- Sets or clears this object's destroyed flag.
- Function SetDirectAtTarget(ObjectReference akTarget)
- Sets or clears the target of the direct-at behavior modifier.
- Function SetFactionOwner(Faction akFaction, bool abNoCrime)
- Sets this faction as this object's owner.
- Function SetHarvested(bool abHarvested) native
- Marks the object as Harvested or not Harvested (if it's Flora)
- Function SetLinkedRef(ObjectReference apRef, Keyword apKeyword)
- Links this ref to the given one under the given keyword
- Function SetLockLevel(int aiLockLevel)
- Sets the lock level on this object.
- Function SetLocRefType(Location akLoc, LocationRefType akRefType)
- Sets the this in-game created object as the given loc ref type for the given location.
- Function SetMotionType(int aiMotionType, bool abAllowActivate)
- Sets the havok motion type on this object.
- Function SetNoFavorAllowed(bool abNoFavor)
- Sets or clears this object's ability to be not used by a teammate for a favor
- Function SetOpen(bool abOpen)
- Opens or closes this object.
- Function SetPersistLoc(Location akLoc)
- Sets the persist location on this in-game created object.
- Function SetPlayerHasTaken(bool abTaken)
- Sets/clears the 'player has taken' flag on this object.
- Function SetPosition(float afX, float afY, float afZ)
- Sets this object's position.
- Function SetRadioFrequency(float afFrequency)
- Changes the frequency this radio is listening to
- Function SetRadioOn(bool abOn)
- Turns this radio on or off
- Function SetRadioVolume(float afVolume)
- Changes the volume of this radio
- Function SetScale(float afScale)
- Set the current scale of the object
- Function SetValue(ActorValue akAV, float afValue)
- Sets the specified actor value
- Function SplineTranslateTo(float afX, float afY, float afZ, float afAngleX, float afAngleY, float afAngleZ, float afSplineCurve, float afSpeed, float afMaxRotationSpeed)
- Makes the object translate to the given pos/orient on a spline.
- Function SplineTranslateToRef(ObjectReference arTarget, float afTangentMagnitude, float afSpeed, float afMaxRotationSpeed)
- Makes the reference translate to the target ref position/orient on a spline at the given speed
- Function SplineTranslateToRefNode(ObjectReference arTarget, string arNodeName, float afTangentMagnitude, float afSpeed, float afMaxRotationSpeed)
- Makes the reference translate to the target node's position/orient on a spline at the given speed
- Function StartWorkshop(bool abStart)
- Starts or stops workshop mode on this workshop object.
- Function StopTranslation()
- Stops any translation on the object.
- Function StoreInWorkshop(Form akBaseItem, int aiCount)
- If the reference is a Workshop, stores the given object with an optional count.
- Function TetherToHorse(ObjectReference akHorse)
- Tether a prisoner cart to the given horse.
- Function TranslateTo(float afX, float afY, float afZ, float afAngleX, float afAngleY, float afAngleZ, float afSpeed, float afMaxRotationSpeed)
- Makes the object translate to the given pos/orient.
- Function TranslateToRef(ObjectReference arTarget, float afSpeed, float afMaxRotationSpeed)
- Makes the reference translate to the target ref position/orient at the given speed
- Function Unlock(bool abAsOwner)
- Unlocks this reference
- bool Function WaitFor3DLoad()
- Waits for this object's 3d to load - or until it knows it won't load.
- bool Function WaitForAnimationEvent(string asEventName)
- Waits for the animation graph to send the specified event.
- Function WaitForWorkshopResourceRecalc()
- Waits for resource recalculation on this workshop to finish.
F4SE Member Functions
- ObjectMod[] Function GetAllMods()
- Returns all the mods for this reference.
- Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
- Event received when this object is activated.
- Event OnCellAttach()
- Event received when this reference's parent cell attaches.
- Event OnCellDetach()
- Event received when this reference's parent cell detaches.
- Event OnCellLoad()
- Event received when everything in the cell that holds this reference has loaded.
- Event OnClose(ObjectReference akActionRef)
- Event received when this object is finished closing.
- Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference akNewContainer, ObjectReference akOldContainer)
- Event received when an object moves into/out of/between containers.
- Event OnDestructionStageChanged(int aiOldStage, int aiCurrentStage)
- Event received when this object's destruction stage has worsened.
- Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)
- Event received when this object is equipped by an actor.
- Event OnExitFurniture(ObjectReference akActionRef)
- Event received when an actor exits this furniture.
- Event OnGrab()
- Event received when this object is grabbed (z-keyed) by the player.
- Event OnHolotapeChatter(string astrChatter, float afNumericData)
- Event received from holotape flash programs.
- Event OnHolotapePlay(ObjectReference akTerminalRef)
- Event received by a holotape when it is played in a terminal or pipboy
- Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)
- Event received when an item is inserted into this object's container.
- Event OnItemRemoved(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akDestContainer)
- Event received when an item is removed from this object's container.
- Event OnLoad()
- Event received when this object's 3d is loaded and ready.
- Event OnLockStateChanged()
- Event received when the lock on this object changes its state.
- Event OnOpen(ObjectReference akActionRef)
- Event received when this object is fully opened.
- Event OnPipboyRadioDetection(bool abDetected)
- Event received when the Pipboy enters/leaves the outer-radius of this radio ref.
- Event OnPlayerDialogueTarget()
- Event received when this ref goes into dialogue scene with player.
- Event OnPowerOn(ObjectReference akPowerGenerator)
- Event received when a workshop item receives power for the first time.
- Event OnPowerOff()
- Event received when a workshop item loses all supplied power.
- Event OnRead()
- Event received when this object is read. (Only applies to books)
- Event OnRelease()
- Event received when this object is released by the player (stopped z-keying).
- Event OnReset()
- Event received when this object is reset.
- Event OnSell(Actor akSeller)
- Event received when this object is sold by someone.
- Event OnSpellCast(Form akSpell)
- Event received when this object casts a spell.
- Event OnTrapHitStart(ObjectReference akTarget, float afXVel, float afYVel, float afZVel, float afXPos, float afYPos, float afZPos, int aeMaterial, bool abInitialHit, int aeMotionType)
- Event received when this trap object starts colliding with a target.
- Event OnTrapHitStop(ObjectReference akTarget)
- Event received when this trap object stops colliding with a target.
- Event OnTranslationAlmostComplete()
- Event received when a translation request is almost complete.
- Event OnTranslationComplete()
- Event received when a translation request is complete.
- Event OnTranslationFailed()
- Event received when a translation request has failed.
- Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)
- Event received when this object's volume is entered.
- Event OnTriggerLeave(ObjectReference akActionRef)
- Event received when this object's volume is left.
- Event OnUnequipped(Actor akActor)
- Event received when this object is unequipped by an actor.
- Event OnUnload()
- Event received when this object's 3d has been unloaded.
- Event OnWorkshopNPCTransfer(Location akNewWorkshop, Keyword akActionKW)
- Event received when this object is directed to a new workshop.
- Event OnWorkshopObjectDestroyed(ObjectReference akReference)
- Event received when a workshop item is removed from world and added back into this workshop.
- Event OnWorkshopMode(bool aStart)
- Event received when the player enters or exits workshop mode for this workshop.
- Event OnWorkshopObjectGrabbed (ObjectReference akReference)
- Event received when an existing workshop item is grabbed for edit while in Workshop mode.
- Event OnWorkshopObjectMoved(ObjectReference akReference)
- Event received when an existing workshop item is moved in the world using this workshop.
- Event OnWorkshopObjectPlaced(ObjectReference akReference)
- Event received when a workshop item is placed in the world using this workshop.
- Event OnWorkshopObjectRepaired(ObjectReference akReference)
- Event received when a damaged workshop item is repaired